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  • Our Spelling Program is a part of the McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders Program. There are 3 different spelling lists for each week. They are called Approaching Level,  On Level, and Beyond Level. This will allow for differentiated learning, and will allow a child to move at his/her own pace, but at the same time it will give opportunities for a child to be challenged if needed. There are 15 words on each list, and you will notice that some words are repeated the next week. This is not a mistake. It is to reinforce what has already been learned.

    The following are the Spelling Word Lists for each week:

    Unit 1

    Week 1 - Words with Short a and Short i

    Approaching Level - has, rag, bad, six, kit, sat, had, pig, him, if, can, hit, why, for, help

    On Level - has, wag, bad, six, will, sat, had, fix, him, if, can, hit, why, for, help

    Beyond Level - hasn't, snag, glad, slim, will, catch, hand, fixed, fits, if, can, hit, why, for, help

  • Week 2 - Words with Short e, o, u

    Approaching Level - net, leg, hog, job, bus, not, top, hut, tub, bun, six, has, one, or, see

    On Level - went, tell, pet, job, fog, not, tug, hut, tub, bun, fix, has, one, or, see

    Beyond Level - went, telling, peppy, sock, foggy, crops, tugged, fluffy, bathtub, muffin, fits, glad, one, or, see

  • Week 3 - Words with Two-Letter Blends

    Approaching Level - grass, trip, crack, stop, nest, mask, clap, plan, milk, belt, hog, tub, by, he, she

    On Level - grass, trips, crack, still, west, mask, clap, plans, milk, belt, fog, tub, by, he, she

    Beyond Level - grass, trips, cracks, still, west, mask, clapped, planning, milk, belt, foggy, bathtub, by, he, she

  • Week 4 - Words with Short a and Long a

    Approaching Level - bag, tap, ham, bake, ate, mad, tan, pal, made, late, trip, plan, into, done, your

    On Level - bag, cap, ham, bake, ate, mad, back, cape, made, rake, still, belt, into, done, your

    Beyond Level - safety, flames, male, vat, ate, clapping, back, cape, making, rake, still, belt, into, done, your

  • Week 5 - Words with Short i and Long i: i_e

    Approaching Level - did, kite, win, line, pipe, tip, mix, five, hit, hive, made, bag, all, any, says

    On Level - did, fin, pick, line, pipe, tip, mix, five, side, hike, cape, made, all, any, says

    Beyond Level - hive, finish, picked, line, times, rips, smiling, bricks, sideways, hiked, cape, male, all, any, says

  • Week 6 - Review and Assess - No Spelling this week


    Unit 2

    Week 1 - Words with Short o and Long o

    Approaching Level - box, fox, dog, bone, pot, home, hope, nose, long, rope, five, tip, have, off, took

    On Level - box, fox, dog, lock, pot, cone, home, nose, poke, rope, side, line, have, off, took

    Beyond Level - stove, foxes, notebook, locked, plot, close, wrote, smoke, poked, phone, sideways, line, have, off, took

  • Week 2 - Words with Short u and Long u

    Approaching Level - mule, fuse, but, use, bug, cub, hum, huge, mud, fun, box, nose, look, yes, their 

    On Level - mule, fuse, plum, use, dug, cub, hum, huge, must, fun, rope, nose, look, yes, their

    Beyond Level - mules, fuse, plums, cubs, dug, dusted, hummed, huge, trusting, drums, wrote, close, look, yes, their

  • Week 3 - Words with Soft c and g

    Approaching Level - rice, mice, badge, cage, race, ice, bulge, range, barge, space, use, huge, out, wash, saw

    On Level - place, barge, trace, ice, bulge, badge, space, range, mice, cage, mule, huge, out, wash, saw

    Beyond Level - trace, placed, badges, cage, space, ice, bulge, range, barges, racing, fuse, huge, out, wash, saw

  • Week 4 - Words with Consonant Digraphs: ch, tch, sh, ph, th, ng, wh                                                              Approaching Level - chop, catch, shape, fish, phone, this, ring, thin, sang, whale, race, bulge, seven, isn't, early                           On Level - chop, catch, shape, trash, phone, that, sting, thin, bring, while, place, badge, seven, isn't, early                         Beyond Level - chopped, catches, shapes, trash, phones, that's, sting, thinner, bringing, while, placed, badges, seven, isn't, early

  • Week 5 - Words with Three-Letter Blends: scr, spr, str, thr, spl, shr

  • Approaching Level - scrap, scrape, spring, throne, strip, strike, shred, shrug, splash, split, fish, whale, far, flower, until

    On Level - scratch, scrape, spring, throne, stripe, strange, shred, shrub, splash, split, catch, sting, far, flower, until

    Beyond Level - scratch, scraping, spring, throne, striped, strange, shreds, shrub, splashes, split, catches, sting, far, flower, until 

    Week 6 - Review and Assess - No Spelling this week


    Unit 3

    Week 1 - Words with Long a

    Approaching Level - nail, rain, main, ray, day, break, steak, weigh, sleigh, they, spring, shrug, good, often, two

    On Level - nail, train, main, hay, stay, break, steak, weigh, sleigh, prey, scrape, strange, good, often, two

    Beyond Level - nails, train, mainland, haystack, staying, breaking, steaks, weighed, sleighs, preying, throne, split, good, often, two

    Week 2 - Words with Long i 

    Approaching Level - pie, right, mind, cry, tie, high, wild, dry, my, find, main, weigh, begin, those, apart

    On Level - light, sight, mind, cry, tie, high, wild, dry, try, lie, hay, steak, begin, those, apart

    Beyond Level - lightning, sight, minds, kindness, child, highway, skies, drying, trying, lie, train, staying, begin, those, apart

    Week 3 - Words with Long o:o, oa, ow, oe

    Approaching Level - told, most, road, coat, toast, grow, crow, show, Joe, toe, right, mind, only, our, who

    On Level - told, most, float, coat, toast, grow, mow, show, Joe, toe, light, mind, only, our, who

    Beyond Level - know, mostly, floating, cloak, toast, woe, bowl, showed, Joe, stows, sight, kindness, only, our, who

    Week 4 - Words with Long e

    Approaching Level - we, bee, need, green, bean, seat, thief, chief, pony, key, grow, toe, after, every, special

    On Level - we, bee, need, queen, mean, leaf, thief, chief, pony, keys, grow, toe, after, every, special

    Beyond Level - we've, she's, needed, queen, meaning, leaves, grief, chiefs, fifty, keys, bowl, toast, after, every, special

    Week 5 - Words with Long u:u_e, ew, ue, u

    Approaching Level - cute, cube, fumes, music, unit, menu, few, pew, fuel, cue, green, seat, began, come, give

    On Level - cute, cube, fumes, music, unit, menu, few, pew, fuel, cues, pony, queen, began, come, give

    Beyond Level - cute, using, cues, humid, units, menus, few, pews, rescue, continue, queen, meaning, began, come, give

    Week 6 - Review and Access - No Spelling this week


    Unit 4

    Week 1 - Words with Silent Letters wr, kn, gn, mb, sc

    Approaching Level - lamb, thumb, scene, scent, gnat, sign, knife, know, wrap, write, cube, music, very, eat, don't

    On Level - comb, crumb, scene, scent, gnat, sign, knife, know, wrist, writing, cube, music, very, eat, don't

    Beyond Level - combed, crumbs, scenes, scents, gnats, signed, knife, known, wrists, writing, using, humid, very, eat, don't

    Week 2 - Words with r-Controlled Vowels er, ir, ur, or

    Approaching Level - her, herd, first, bird, girl, turn, hurt, burn, work, worse, know, wrap, found, from, today

    On Level - clerk, herd, first, skirt, stir, churn, hurt, burst, work, worse, know, wrist, found, from, today

    Beyond Level - enter, over, thirst, dirty, shirts, churning, nurse, burst, working, worst, known, wrists, found, from, today

    Week 3 - Words with or, ore, oar, ar

    Approaching Level - horn, sort, more, store, oar, roar, board, art, start, car, her, turn, ago, carry, people

    On Level - port, north, more, store, oar, roar, board, part, start, park, first, hurt, ago, carry, people

    Beyond Level - fork, north, boredom, core, soared, roaring, board, spark, parked, charm, over, burst, ago, carry, people

    Week 4 - Words with eer, ere, ear

    Approaching Level - deer, cheer, tear, here, peer, near, ear, dear, clear, fear, more, store, again, house, inside

    On Level - deer, cheers, steer, here, jeer, near, ear, dear, clear, spear, store, north, again, house, inside

    Beyond Level - deer, cheery, steer, here's, jeering, rear, nearing, dear, appeared, spears, roaring, north, again, house, inside

    Week 5 - Words with are, air, ear, ere

    Approaching Level - dare, stare, fare, stairs, pair, chair, bear, pear, where, there, near, here, knew, never, talk

    On Level - dare, stare, fare, hair, pair, chair, bear, pear, where, there, dear, cheers, knew, never, talk

    Beyond Level - snare, stare, fare, hairless, flair, chair, wear, tear, where's, there's, here's, cheery, knew, never, talk

    Week 6 - Review and Assess - No Spelling this week


    Unit 5

    Week 1 - Words with Diphthongs ou, ow

    Approaching Level - sound, ouch, cloud, loud, pound, clown, brown, cow, howl, owl, chair, there, been, myself, pushed

    On Level - sound, mound, cloud, shout, pound, clown, brown, crown, howl, growl, chair, where, been, myself, pushed

    Beyond Level - wound, pouches, around, bounced, underground, scowling, gown, crown, howling, growling, stare, where's, been, myself, pushed

    Week 2 - Words with Diphthongs oy, oi

    Approaching Level - soil, boil, choice, point, toil, oil, toy, joy, coin, noise, brown, ouch, I'll, laugh, maybe

    On Level - soil, broil, moist, point, toil, oil, toy, joy, coin, noise, crown, mound, I'll, laugh, maybe

    Beyond Level - soil, broiling, moist, foil, coil, choices, pointed, coy, coins, noises, crown, bounced, I'll, laugh, maybe

    Week 3 - Words with Variant Vowels /u/

    Approaching Level - too, flu, June, dew, clue, suit, cook, could, pull, put, point, joy, along, ever, strong

    On Level - room, flu, June, new, glue, fruit, crook, could, full, push, point, coin, along, ever, strong

    Beyond Level - school, flu, June, chewed, glued, fruitcake, crooks, should, full, pushing, moist, coins, along, ever, strong

    Week 4 - Words with Variant Vowel /o/

    Approaching Level - ball, mall, paw, jaw, pause, sauce, taught, chalk, walk, cough, June, could, city, own, read

    On Level - ball, small, paw, jaw, pause, sauce, taught, chalk, walk, sought, new, fruit, city, own, read

    Beyond Level - balls, smaller, because, caught, pause, sauce, taught, chalkboard, walked, sought, glued, should, city, own, read

    Week 5 - Words with Short Vowel Digraphs/e/ ea;/u/ ou;/i/ y 

    Approaching Level - dead, ahead, lead, tread, bread, dread, touch, trouble, gym, myth, mall, chalk, instead, whole, words

    On Level - dead, ahead, lead, thread, bread, breath, touch, trouble, gym, myth, small, chalk, instead, whole, words

    Beyond Level - dead, tread, lead, thread, breads, breathless, touches, trouble, gym, myth, smaller, chalkboard, instead, whole, words

    Week 6 - Review and Assess - No Spelling this week


    Unit 6

    Week 1 - Words with Open and Closed Syllables

    Approaching Level - pencil, magnet, publish, pocket, ticket, lady, gravy, solo, open, odor, bread, touch, door, front, someone

    On Level - pencil, magnet, publish, supper, letter, lady, gravy, solo, open, odor, lead, touch, door, front, someone

    Beyond Level - pencil, magnet, publish, supper, letter, lady, gravy, solo, dinosaur, crocodile, lead, touches, door, front, someone

    Week 2 - Words with CVCe Syllables

    Approaching Level - place, replace, nine, ninety, side, sidewalk, face, outside, pole, tadpole, pocket, magnet, alone, beside, round

    On Level - state, replace, nine, ninety, side, sidewalk, face, outside, these, tadpole, letter, magnet, alone, beside, round

    Beyond Level - place, replace, nine, ninety, side, sidewalk, relate, outside, compete, tadpole, publish, magnet, alone, beside, round

    Week 3 - Words with Consonant + le Syllables

    Approaching Level - lit, little, set, settle, rip, ripple, pad, paddle, mid, middle, outside, place, follow, listen, something

    On Level - lit, little, set, settle, rip, ripple, pad, paddle, middle, bubble, outside, replace, follow, listen, something

    Beyond Level - circle, little, gentle, settle, drizzle, ripple, uncle, paddle, middle, bubble, outside, compete, follow, listen, something

    Week 4 - Words with Vowel Team Syllables 

    Approaching Level - way, away, root, balloon, play, display, reach, enjoy, plain, explain, little, middle, complete, enough, river

    On Level - way, away, root, balloon, play, display, reach, enjoy, explain, meadow, little, middle, complete, enough, river

    Beyond Level - repeat, away, ball, balloon, play, display, raccoon, enjoy, explain, meadow, middle, gentle, complete, enough, river

    Week 5 - Words with r-Controlled Vowel Syllables

    Approaching Level - jumper, higher, star, stars, garden, better, dinner, doctor, market, hair, play, display, afternoon, anyone, everything

    On Level - jumper, higher, star, starry, garden, better, dinner, doctor, market, hairy, enjoy, display, afternoon, anyone, everything

    Beyond Level - jumper, higher, stars, starry, garden, better, dinner, doctor, market, hairy, enjoy, meadow, afternoon, anyone, everything

    Week 6 - Review and Summative Assessment - No Spelling this week


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