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2nd Grade Math Curriculum

Eureka Math



Unit 1: Sums and Differences to 20


Unit 1 sets the foundation for students to master the sums and differences to 20. They will apply these skills to fluently add one-digit to two-digit numbers at least through 100 using place value understandings, properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.


Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction of Length Units


Students engage in activities designed to deepen their conceptual understanding of measurement and to relate addition and subtraction to length.  Their work in Unit 2 is exclusively with metric units in order to support place value concepts.


Unit 3: Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1,000


Students will expand their skill with and understanding of units by bundling ones, tens, and hundreds up to a thousand with straws. In Grade 2, a number generally consists of three units: hundreds, tens, and ones. The bundled units are organized by separating them largest to smallest, ordered from left to right. Over the course of the unit, instruction moves from physical bundles to numerals on the place value chart.


Unit 4:  Addition and Subtraction within 200 with Word Problems to 100


Students develop place value strategies to fluently add and subtract within 100; they represent and solve one- and two-step word problems of varying types within 100; and they develop conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers within 200.  Using a concrete to pictorial to abstract approach, students use manipulatives and math drawings to develop an understanding of the composition and decomposition of units, and they relate these representations to the standard algorithm for addition and subtraction.


Unit 5: Addition and Subtraction within 1,000 with Word Problems to 100


Students developed addition and subtraction fluency within 100 and began developing conceptual understanding of the standard algorithm via place value strategies. In Unit 5, students build upon their mastery of renaming place value units. They extend their work with conceptual understanding of the addition and subtraction algorithms to numbers within 1,000. The children will always have the option of modeling with materials or drawings. Throughout the unit, students continue to focus on strengthening and deepening conceptual understanding and fluency.


Unit 6: Foundations of Multiplication and Division


Unit 6 lays the conceptual foundation for multiplication and division in Grade 3 and for the idea that numbers other than 1, 10, and 100 can serve as units.  Topics in this unit include:  Formation of Equal Groups, Arrays and Equal Groups, Rectangular Arrays as a Foundation for Multiplication and Division, and The Meaning of Even and Odd Numbers.


Unit 7:  Problem Solving with Length, Money, and Data


In Unit 7 students practice addition and subtraction strategies within 100 and problem-solving skills as they learn to work with various types of units within the contexts of length, money, and data.  Students represent categorical and measurement data using picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots.  They revisit measuring and estimating length from Unit 2, though now using both metric and customary units.


Unit 8: Time, Shapes, and Fractions as Equal Parts of Shapes


In the final unit of the year, students extend their understanding of part–whole relationships through the lens of geometry.  As students compose and decompose shapes, they begin to develop an understanding of unit fractions as equal parts of a whole. 


Addition Strategies

Combinations                      Doubles                           Near                           10+                              9+

    of 10                                                                   Doubles                      Combos                      Combos


   0 + 10                             0 + 0                              0 + 1                         10 + 0                         9 + 0

   1  +  9                             1 + 1                              1 + 2                         10 + 1                         9 + 1

   2 + 8                               2 + 2                              2 + 3                         10 + 2                         9 + 2

   3 + 7                               3 + 3                              3 + 4                         10 + 3                         9 + 3

   4 + 6                               4 + 4                              4 + 5                         10 + 4                         9 + 4

   5 + 5                               5 + 5                              5 + 6                         10 + 5                         9 + 5

   6 + 4                               6 + 6                              6 + 7                         10 + 6                         9 + 6

   7 + 3                               7 + 7                              7 + 8                         10 + 7                         9 + 7

   8 + 2                               8 + 8                              8  + 9                        10 + 8                         9 + 8

   9 + 1                               9 + 9                              9 + 10                       10 + 9                         9 + 9

 10 + 0                            10 + 10                            10 + 11                       10 + 10                       9 + 10

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